Job-Exposure Matrix: A Useful Tool for Incorporating Workplace Exposure Data Into Population Health Research and Practice

Alexis Descatha, Marc Fadel, Grace Sembajwe, Susan Peters, Bradley A. Evanoff

Research output: Contribution to journalShort surveypeer-review

18 Scopus citations


Workplace exposures to physical, chemical, and psychosocial factors account for a large burden of chronic diseases. Obtaining useful estimates of current and past workplace exposures is challenging, particularly in large general population studies. Job-exposure matrices (JEMs) are a useful tool for exposure assessment, particularly when no individual level exposure data are available. A JEM provides a cross-tabulation of job titles (sometimes combined with industry) and estimated exposures to workers carrying out these jobs during different time periods. The major limitation of JEMs is that they do not account for individual variation in exposures within the same job. This limitation is offset by the advantages of low cost, wide applicability, lack of bias from self-reporting, and the ability to estimate exposures based on job titles when no other exposure data exist. There is growing use of JEMs in research examining the role of workplace exposures in the development of chronic diseases, and interest in their application to public health practice. This paper provides a scoping review of JEM use, some examples of JEMs, and brief guidance for the application of JEMs in epidemiological research. In conclusion, JEMs provide a useful tool for researchers and public health practitioners to estimate occupational exposures in large scale epidemiological studies relevant to many health conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Article number857316
JournalFrontiers in Epidemiology
StatePublished - 2022


  • epidemiology
  • JEM
  • job exposure matrix
  • occupational exposure
  • public health


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