
In closing this best of 2019 compilation, I note thatAugust 2019 markedthe50thanniversaryofWoodstock.Thatfestivalfeatured some of the greatest performances of all time (Santana and Richie Havens come immediately to mind). It remains to be seen whether the articles outlined abovewill have aWoodstock type of impact going forward, but they are very important descriptors of the state of psychiatry and what is needed going forward to improve the diagnosis and treatment of individuals with thesedevastatingillnesses. Iwouldalsoemphasizethat just asWoodstock influenced generations of young people, the field must focus more intensely and effectively on the problems of youthifitseriouslyhopestoaltertheeffectofpsychiatricillnesses on individuals, families, and society.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)117-118
Number of pages2
JournalJAMA psychiatry
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2020


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