Issues With Variability in Electronic Health Record Data About Race and Ethnicity: Descriptive Analysis of the National COVID Cohort Collaborative Data Enclave

Lily Cook, Juan Espinoza, Nicole G. Weiskopf, Nisha Mathews, David A. Dorr, Kelly L. Gonzales, Adam Wilcox, Charisse Madlock-Brown

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Background: The adverse impact of COVID-19 on marginalized and under-resourced communities of color has highlighted the need for accurate, comprehensive race and ethnicity data. However, a significant technical challenge related to integrating race and ethnicity data in large, consolidated databases is the lack of consistency in how data about race and ethnicity are collected and structured by health care organizations. Objective: This study aims to evaluate and describe variations in how health care systems collect and report information about the race and ethnicity of their patients and to assess how well these data are integrated when aggregated into a large clinical database. Methods: At the time of our analysis, the National COVID Cohort Collaborative (N3C) Data Enclave contained records from 6.5 million patients contributed by 56 health care institutions. We quantified the variability in the harmonized race and ethnicity data in the N3C Data Enclave by analyzing the conformance to health care standards for such data. We conducted a descriptive analysis by comparing the harmonized data available for research purposes in the database to the original source data contributed by health care institutions. To make the comparison, we tabulated the original source codes, enumerating how many patients had been reported with each encoded value and how many distinct ways each category was reported. The nonconforming data were also cross tabulated by 3 factors: patient ethnicity, the number of data partners using each code, and which data models utilized those particular encodings. For the nonconforming data, we used an inductive approach to sort the source encodings into categories. For example, values such as “Declined” were grouped with “Refused,” and “Multiple Race” was grouped with “Two or more races” and “Multiracial.” Results: “No matching concept” was the second largest harmonized concept used by the N3C to describe the race of patients in their database. In addition, 20.7% of the race data did not conform to the standard; the largest category was data that were missing. Hispanic or Latino patients were overrepresented in the nonconforming racial data, and data from American Indian or Alaska Native patients were obscured. Although only a small proportion of the source data had not been mapped to the correct concepts (0.6%), Black or African American and Hispanic/Latino patients were overrepresented in this category. Conclusions: Differences in how race and ethnicity data are conceptualized and encoded by health care institutions can affect the quality of the data in aggregated clinical databases. The impact of data quality issues in the N3C Data Enclave was not equal across all races and ethnicities, which has the potential to introduce bias in analyses and conclusions drawn from these data. Transparency about how data have been transformed can help users make accurate analyses and inferences and eventually better guide clinical care and public policy.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere39235
JournalJMIR Medical Informatics
Issue number9
StatePublished - Sep 1 2022


  • bias
  • data aggregation
  • data harmonization
  • data quality
  • data standards
  • health equity
  • social determinants of health
  • terminology


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