International consensus statement on nomenclature and classification of the congenital bicuspid aortic valve and its aortopathy, for clinical, surgical, interventional and research purposes

Hector I. Michelena, Alessandro Della Corte, Arturo Evangelista, Joseph J. Maleszewski, William D. Edwards, Mary J. Roman, Richard B. Devereux, Borja Fernández, Federico M. Asch, Alex J. Barker, Lilia M. Sierra-Galan, Laurent De Kerchove, Susan M. Fernandes, Paul W.M. Fedak, Evaldas Girdauskas, Victoria Delgado, Suhny Abbara, Emmanuel Lansac, Siddharth K. Prakash, Malenka M. BissellBogdan A. Popescu, Michael D. Hope, Marta Sitges, Vinod H. Thourani, Phillippe Pibarot, Krishnaswamy Chandrasekaran, Patrizio Lancellotti, Michael A. Borger, John K. Forrest, John Webb, Dianna M. Milewicz, Raj Makkaar, Martin B. Leon, Stephen P. Sanders, Michael Markl, Victor A. Ferrari, William C. Roberts, Jae Kwan Song, Philipp Blanke, Charles S. White, Samuel Siu, Lars G. Svensson, Alan C. Braverman, Joseph Bavaria, Thoralf M. Sundt, Gebrine El Khoury, Ruggero De Paulis, Maurice Enriquez-Sarano, Jeroen J. Bax, Catherine M. Otto, Hans Joachim Schäfers

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23 Scopus citations


This International Consensus Classification and Nomenclature for the congenital bicuspid aortic valve condition recognizes 3 types of bicuspid valves: 1. The fused type (right-left cusp fusion, right-non-coronary cusp fusion and left-non-coronary cusp fusion phenotypes); 2. The 2-sinus type (latero-lateral and antero-posterior phenotypes); and 3. The partial-fusion (forme fruste) type. The presence of raphe and the symmetry of the fused type phenotypes are critical aspects to describe. The International Consensus also recognizes 3 types of bicuspid valve-associated aortopathy: 1. The ascending phenotype; 2. The root phenotype; and 3. Extended phenotypes.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere200496
JournalRadiology: Cardiothoracic Imaging
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2021


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