
The proposed Precision Medicine Initiative has the potential to transform medical care in the future through a shift from interventions based on evidence from population studies and empiric response to ones that account for a range of individual factors that more reliably predict response and outcomes for the patient. Many things are needed to realize this vision, but one of the most critical is an informatics workforce that has broad interdisciplinary training in basic science, applied research and clinical implementation. Current approaches to informatics training do not support this requirement. We present a collaborative model of training that has the potential to produce a workforce prepared for the challenges of implementing precision medicine.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)28-30
Number of pages3
JournalApplied and Translational Genomics
StatePublished - Jun 18 2015


  • Biomedical data science
  • Biomedical informatics
  • Clinical informatics
  • Education
  • Health information technology
  • Precision medicine


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