Integration of olfactory, gustatory and other sensory stimuli in the orbitofrontal cortex: Feeding and reward

J. L. Price

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Axons are sent by primary olfactory cortex to part of the mediodorsal thalamic nucleus and to specific areas of the orbital cortex on the ventral surface of the frontal lobe. This was confirmed by using multiple axonal tracers in combination with histochemical and immunohistochemical staining and electrophysiological recording. Tracer labeling was mapped with a computer aided microscope and the distribution of labeled cells was examined by computer reconstructions of serial sections.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
StatePublished - Dec 1 1994
EventProceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of America - New Orleans, LA, USA
Duration: Jul 31 1994Aug 5 1994


ConferenceProceedings of the 52nd Annual Meeting of the Microscopy Society of America
CityNew Orleans, LA, USA


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