Innervation pattern of dorsal roots and their effects on the specificity of dermatomal somatosensory evoked potentials

Jeffrey H. Owen, Keith H. Bridwell, Lawrence G. Lenke

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

27 Scopus citations


Dermatomal somatpsensory evoked potentials are used to monitor individual nerve root function during degenerative spinal surgery. However, a less than 100% agreement between level(s) of dermatomal somatosensory evoked potentials abnormality and nerve root involvement has bean reported. The purpose of this article was to determine the possible cause of this discrepancy, results from humans suggest that variations in peripheral innervation patterns of the dorsal narvo roots are the main reason for dermatomal somatosensory evoked potentials discrepancy both for cervical and lumbar norve roots. Because these variations cannot be controlled, the authors recommend that dermatomal somatosensory evoked potentials and additional neurophysiologic methods be used during degenerative surgeries to provide the surgeon with information about individual nerve root function. A patient profile for these methods was proved.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)748-754
Number of pages7
Issue number6
StatePublished - May 1993


  • Complementary angles
  • Sagittal plane rotation
  • Spinalstability


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