21 Scopus citations


The striatum and cerebral cortex are interconnected via multiple recurrent loops that play a major role in many neuropsychiatric conditions. Primate corticostriatal connections can be precisely mapped using invasive tract-tracing. However, noninvasive human research has not mapped these connections with anatomical precision, limited in part by the practice of averaging neuroimaging data across individuals. Here we utilized highly sampled resting-state functional connectivity MRI for individual-specific precision functional mapping (PFM) of corticostriatal connections. We identified ten individual-specific subnetworks linking cortex - predominately frontal cortex - to striatum, most of which converged with nonhuman primate tract-tracing work. These included separable connections between nucleus accumbens core/shell and orbitofrontal/medial frontal gyrus; between anterior striatum and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex; between dorsal caudate and lateral prefrontal cortex; and between middle/posterior putamen and supplementary motor/primary motor cortex. Two subnetworks that did not converge with nonhuman primates were connected to cortical regions associated with human language function. Thus, precision subnetworks identify detailed, individual-specific, neurobiologically plausible corticostriatal connectivity that includes human-specific language networks.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2868-2884
Number of pages17
JournalCerebral Cortex
Issue number13
StatePublished - Jul 1 2022


  • brain networks
  • fMRI
  • functional connectivity
  • individual variability
  • striatum


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