Host-specific involvement of the HC protein in the long-distance movement of potyviruses

Pilar Sáenz, Beatriz Salvador, Carmen Simón-Mateo, Kristin D. Kasschau, James C. Carrington, Juan Antonio García

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Plum pox virus (PPV) is a member of the Potyvirus genus that, in nature, infects trees of the Prunus genus. Although PPV infects systemically several species of the Nicotiana genus, such as N. clevelandii and N. benthamiana, and replicates in the inoculated leaves of N. tabacum, it is unable to infect systemically the last host. The long-distance movement defect of PPV was corrected in transgenic tobacco plants expressing the 5′-terminal region of the genome of tobacco etch virus (TEV), a potyvirus that infects systemically tobacco. The fact that PPV was unable to move to upper noninoculated leaves in tobacco plants transformed with the same TEV transgene, but with a mutation in the HC protein (HC-Pro)-coding sequences, identifies the multifunctional HC-Pro as the complementing factor, and strongly suggests that a defect in an HC-Pro activity is responsible for the long-distance movement defect of PPV in tobacco. Whereas PPV HC-Pro strongly intensifies the symptoms caused by potato virus X (PVX) in the PPV systemic hosts N. clevelandii and N. benthamiana, it has no apparent effect on PVX pathogenicity in tobacco, supporting the hypothesis that long-distance movement and pathogenicity enhancement are related activities of the potyviral HC proteins. The movement defect of PPV in tobacco could also be complemented by cucumber mosaic virus in a mixed infection, demonstrating that at least some components of the long-distance machinery of the potyviruses are not strictly virus specific. A general conclusion of this work is that the HC-Pro might be a relevant factor for controlling the host range of the potyviruses.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1922-1931
Number of pages10
JournalJournal of virology
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2002


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