Highly accurate model for prediction of lung nodule malignancy with CT scans

Jason L. Causey, Junyu Zhang, Shiqian Ma, Bo Jiang, Jake A. Qualls, David G. Politte, Fred Prior, Shuzhong Zhang, Xiuzhen Huang

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158 Scopus citations


Computed tomography (CT) examinations are commonly used to predict lung nodule malignancy in patients, which are shown to improve noninvasive early diagnosis of lung cancer. It remains challenging for computational approaches to achieve performance comparable to experienced radiologists. Here we present NoduleX, a systematic approach to predict lung nodule malignancy from CT data, based on deep learning convolutional neural networks (CNN). For training and validation, we analyze >1000 lung nodules in images from the LIDC/IDRI cohort. All nodules were identified and classified by four experienced thoracic radiologists who participated in the LIDC project. NoduleX achieves high accuracy for nodule malignancy classification, with an AUC of ~0.99. This is commensurate with the analysis of the dataset by experienced radiologists. Our approach, NoduleX, provides an effective framework for highly accurate nodule malignancy prediction with the model trained on a large patient population. Our results are replicable with software available at http://bioinformatics.astate.edu/NoduleX.

Original languageEnglish
Article number9286
JournalScientific reports
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 1 2018


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