HID-1, a new component of the peptidergic signaling pathway

Rosana Mesa, Shuo Luo, Christopher M. Hoover, Kenneth Miller, Alicia Minniti, Nibaldo Inestrosa, Michael L. Nonet

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15 Scopus citations


hid-1 was originally identified as a Caenorhabditis elegans gene encoding a novel conserved protein that regulates the decision to enter into the enduring dauer larval stage. We isolated a novel allele of hid-1 in a forward genetic screen for mutants mislocalizing RBF-1 rabphilin, a RAB-27 effector. Here we demonstrate that HID-1 functions in the nervous system to regulate neuromuscular signaling and in the intestine to regulate the defecation motor program. We further show that a conserved N-terminal myristoylated motif of both invertebrate and vertebrate HID-1 is essential for its association with intracellular membranes in nematodes and PC12 cells. C. elegans neuronal HID-1 resides on intracellular membranes in neuronal cell somas; however, the kinesin UNC-104 also transports HID-1 to synaptic regions. HID-1 accumulates in the axons of unc-13 and unc-31 mutants, suggesting it is associated with neurosecretory vesicles. Consistent with this, genetic studies place HID-1 in a peptidergic signaling pathway. Finally, a hid-1 null mutation reduces the levels of endogenous neuropeptides and alters the secretion of fluorescent-tagged cargos derived from neuronal and intestinal dense core vesicles (DCVs). Taken together, our findings indicate that HID-1 is a novel component of a DCV-based neurosecretory pathway and that it regulates one or more aspects of the biogenesis, maturation, or trafficking of DCVs.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)467-483
Number of pages17
Issue number2
StatePublished - Feb 2011


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