Health data use, stewardship, and governance: Ongoing gaps and challenges: A report from AMIA's 2012 health policy meeting

George Hripcsak, Meryl Bloomrosen, Patti FlatelyBrennan, Christopher G. Chute, Jim Cimino, Don E. Detmer, Margo Edmunds, Peter J. Embi, Melissa M. Goldstein, William Ed Hammond, Gail M. Keenan, Steve Labkoff, Shawn Murphy, Charlie Safran, Stuart Speedie, Howard Strasberg, Freda Temple, Adam B. Wilcox

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

82 Scopus citations


Large amounts of personal health data are being collected and made available through existing and emerging technological media and tools. While use of these data has significant potential to facilitate research, improve quality of care for individuals and populations, and reduce healthcare costs, many policy-related issues must be addressed before their full value can be realized. These include the need for widely agreed-on data stewardship principles and effective approaches to reduce or eliminate data silos and protect patient privacy. AMIA's 2012 Health Policy Meeting brought together healthcare academics, policy makers, and system stakeholders (including representatives of patient groups) to consider these topics and formulate recommendations. A review of a set of Proposed Principles of Health Data Use led to a set of findings and recommendations, including the assertions that the use of health data should be viewed as a public good and that achieving the broad benefits of this use will require understanding and support from patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)204-211
Number of pages8
JournalJournal of the American Medical Informatics Association
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2014


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