H relationship between evoked potentials and clinical status in spinal cord ischemia

Yukihiro Kai, Jeffrey H. Owen, Brent T. Allen, Manuel Dobras, Chris Davis

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

19 Scopus citations


Study Design and Methods. Sciatic neurogenic mo- tor-evokud potentials, spinal evoked potentials, and so- matosensofy-evoked potentials were recorded ifl 12 aneslhatisad dogs that had arterial ischemia of the lum-bar cord produced by ligalion of segmental aiteries, The presence or absence of the above-mentioned potentials was compared with the clinical status of re- peeted wake-up tests. (Results. Although these results were corrplieated, sciatic neurogenic motor-evoked potential was more sensitive to the spinal cord ischemia and was a better predi-ctor of clinical outcome than spinal evoked potential and somatosensory-evoked potential. However, the presence was not a guarantee of normal function. The initial morphologic change of these potentials secondary to ischemia consisted of a decrease in amplitude and in the number of peaks without a shift Gf latency. Conclusions. The present study suggests that the peripheral neurogenic motor-evoked potential is a better warning system for spinal cord ischemia end that ils adoption may contribute to tha prevention of cord Ischemia during spinal surgery, whereas sorratosensOry- evoked potential and spinal ovokod potential cannot be indices.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)291-296
Number of pages6
Issue number3
StatePublished - Feb 1995


  • Sciatic neurogenic motor-evoked potential
  • Sornatosensory-evoked potential
  • Spinal cord ischemia
  • Spinal evoked potential


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