Glucose: An essential metabolite and structural precursor for articular cartilage

Ali Mobasheri, Carolyn A. Bondy, Kelle Moley, Alexandrina Ferreira Mendes, Susana Carvalho Rosa, Stephen M. Richardson, Judith A. Hoyland, Richard Barrett-Jolley, Mehdi Shakibaei

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


Glucose is an important metabolite for all living cells and with other simple sugars and related molecules derived from these sugars it provides sources of readily available energy for cells. Sugars also provide basic carbon skeletons for the biosynthesis of other macromolecules. These include proteins, lipids, nucleic acids, and complex storage polysaccharides (glycogen). Furthermore, hexose sugars are building blocks of glycoproteins such as cartilage-specific proteoglycans. In addition to their role as structural components of the cartilage ECM (Fig. 4), proteoglycans also fulfil adhesive and informational functions.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationFacilitative Glucose Transporters in Articular Chondrocytes
Subtitle of host publicationExpression, Distribution and Functional Regulation of GLUT Isoforms by Hypoxia, Hypoxia Mimetics, Growth Factors and Pro-Inflammatory Cytok
EditorsAli Mobasheri, Carolyn Bondy, Kelle Moley, Alexandrina Ferreira Mendes, Susana Carvalho Rosa, Stephen Richardson, Judith Hoyland, Richard Barrett-Jolley, Mehdi Shakibaei
Number of pages4
StatePublished - 2008

Publication series

NameAdvances in Anatomy Embryology and Cell Biology
ISSN (Print)0301-5556


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