Genome-wide linkage analysis replicates susceptibility locus for fasting plasma triglycerides: NHLBI Family Heart Study

Donna K. Arnett, Michael B. Miller, Hilary Coon, R. Curtis Ellison, Kari E. North, Michael Province, Mark Leppert, John H. Eckfeldt

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12 Scopus citations


Recent reports implicate chromosomal regions linked to inter-individual variation in plasma triglycerides. We conducted genome-wide scans to replicate these linkages and/or identify other loci influencing plasma triglycerides in the NHLBI Family Heart Study (FHS). Data were obtained for 501 three-generational families. Genotyping was done by the Utah Molecular Genetics Laboratory and NHLBI Mammalian Genotyping Service; markers from both were placed on one genetic map. Analysis was done using multipoint variance components linkage. Fasting plasma triglycerides were log-transformed and age-, sex-, and field center-adjusted; suggestive linkage evidence was found on chromosome 8 (LOD=2.80 at 89 cM, marker D8S1141). Further adjustment for waist girth, BMI, diabetes, hypertension, and lipid-lowering drugs suggested linkage regions on chromosomes 6 (LOD=2.29 at 79 cM, marker D6S295) and 15 (LOD=1.85 at 43 cM, marker D15S659). Since HDL is correlated with triglycerides and because it was linked to this region on chromosome 15 in FHS, we created a composite triglyceride-HDL phenotype. The combined phenotype LOD score was 3.0 at the same marker on chromosome 15. Chromosome 15 likely harbors a susceptibility locus with an influence on triglycerides and HDL. Regions on chromosomes 6 and 8 may also contain loci contributing to inter-individual variation in plasma triglycerides.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)468-474
Number of pages7
JournalHuman genetics
Issue number6
StatePublished - 2004


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