Genome-wide association study of triglyceride response to a high-fat meal among participants of the NHLBI Genetics of Lipid Lowering Drugs and Diet Network (GOLDN)

Mary K. Wojczynski, Laurence D. Parnell, Toni I. Pollin, Chao Q. Lai, Mary F. Feitosa, Jeff R. O'Connell, Alexis C. Frazier-Wood, Quince Gibson, Stella Aslibekyan, Kathy A. Ryan, Michael A. Province, Hemant K. Tiwari, Jose M. Ordovas, Alan R. Shuldiner, Donna K. Arnett, Ingrid B. Borecki

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33 Scopus citations


Objective The triglyceride (TG) response to a high-fat meal (postprandial lipemia, PPL) affects cardiovascular disease risk and is influenced by genes and environment. Genes involved in lipid metabolism have dominated genetic studies of PPL TG response. We sought to elucidate common genetic variants through a genome-wide association (GWA) study in the Genetics of Lipid Lowering Drugs and Diet Network (GOLDN). Methods The GOLDN GWAS discovery sample consisted of 872 participants within families of European ancestry. Genotypes for 2,543,887 variants were measured or imputed from HapMap. Replication of our top results was performed in the Heredity and Phenotype Intervention (HAPI) Heart Study (n = 843). PPL TG response phenotypes were constructed from plasma TG measured at baseline (fasting, 0 hour), 3.5 and 6 hours after a high-fat meal, using a random coefficient regression model. Association analyses were adjusted for covariates and principal components, as necessary, in a linear mixed model using the kinship matrix; additional models further adjusted for fasting TG were also performed. Meta-analysis of the discovery and replication studies (n = 1715) was performed on the top SNPs from GOLDN. Results GOLDN revealed 111 suggestive (p < 1E-05) associations, with two SNPs meeting GWA significance level (p < 5E-08). Of the two significant SNPs, rs964184 demonstrated evidence of replication (p = 1.20E-03) in the HAPI Heart Study and in a joint analysis, was GWA significant (p = 1.26E-09). Rs964184 has been associated with fasting lipids (TG and HDL) and is near ZPR1 (formerly ZNF259), close to the APOA1/C3/A4/A5 cluster. This association was attenuated upon additional adjustment for fasting TG. Conclusion This is the first report of a genome-wide significant association with replication for a novel phenotype, namely PPL TG response. Future investigation into response phenotypes is warranted using pathway analyses, or newer genetic technologies such as metabolomics.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1359-1371
Number of pages13
JournalMetabolism: clinical and experimental
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 1 2015


  • Genetics
  • Gwas
  • Postprandial lipemia
  • Triglyceride


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