
Most vaccines induce robust antibody and memory B-cell (MBC) responses that are capable of mediating protective immunity. However, antibody titers wane following vaccination necessitating the administration of booster vaccines to maintain a protective antibody titer. MBCs are stably maintained following vaccination and can rapidly give rise to antibody-secreting cells or undergo further affinity maturation upon antigen re-encounter. Repeated antigen encounter results in the development of MBCs that encode antibodies capable of mediating broadly protective immunity against viruses such as SARS-CoV-2 and influenza. Here, we summarize emerging evidence that MBCs are a heterogeneous population composed of transcriptionally and phenotypically distinct subsets that have discrete roles in mediating protective immunity upon antigen re-encounter and examine the implications of these findings for the development of vaccines capable of eliciting broadly protective immunity.

Original languageEnglish
Article number102281
JournalCurrent Opinion in Immunology
StatePublished - Feb 2023


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