Extensive γ-ray spectroscopy of normally and superdeformed structures in 6129Cu32

L. L. Andersson, D. Rudolph, E. K. Johansson, D. A. Torres, B. G. Carlsson, I. Ragnarsson, C. Andreoiu, C. Baktash, M. P. Carpenter, R. J. Charity, C. J. Chiara, J. Ekman, C. Fahlander, C. Hoel, O. L. Pechenaya, W. Reviol, R. Du Rietz, D. G. Sarantites, D. Seweryniak, L. G. SobotkaC. H. Yu, S. Zhu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

18 Scopus citations


A largely extended experimental knowledge of the 61 29Cu32 nucleus has been obtained from three experiments. Excited states in 61Cu were produced via the fusion-evaporation reaction 28Si(36Ar, 3p)61Cu . In addition to the Ge array GAMMASPHERE, neutron and charged-particle detectors placed around the target position were used for high-performance particle spectroscopy. The constructed level scheme includes more than 160 energy levels and 320 γ-ray transitions belonging to both normally deformed as well as superdeformed rotational structures. The multipolarities have been determined for the γ-ray transitions and as a result spin-parity assignments are given for nearly all energy levels. Experimental results in the normally deformed region are compared with predictions from large-scale shell model calculations. The collective structures are compared with results from cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations. The results reveal the need to modify the standard Nilsson parameters in the mass A ∼ 60 region.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)251-278
Number of pages28
JournalEuropean Physical Journal A
Issue number3
StatePublished - Jun 2008


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