Experimental and numerical determination of SAR distributions within culture flasks in a dielectric loaded radial transmission line

William F. Pickard, William L. Straube, Eduardo G. Moros

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

31 Scopus citations


The effect of dielectric loading on the cell layer specific absorption rate (SAR) within a T75 culture flask being irradiated within a transverse electromagnetic (TEM) cell was studied both experimentally and numerically. Direct thermal measurements of a T75 containing 40 m L of culture medium and resting upon a 3mmthick slab of alumina ceramic (εr = 9.6) revealed that, compared to the same flask resting upon a foam slab (εr = 1.0) of the same thickness, the average SAR at the cell layer was increased roughly fourfold. This fourfold increase is significant experimentally because it allows biologists to perform experiments over a larger range of SAR values needed to determine possible doseresponse curves without the costs and difficulties of a fourfold increase in amplifier power. Finitedifference timedomain (FDTD) simulations of the SAR distribution were in good quantitative agreement with the experimental measurements. It is concluded that FDTD modeling can be a cost effective and scientifically acceptable means of obviating the thermal measurement of SAR.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)202208
Number of pages1
JournalIEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering
Issue number2
StatePublished - 2000


  • Culture flask
  • Dielectric loading
  • Finitedifference timedomain (FDTD) specific absorption rate (SAR) modeling
  • Frequencydomain SAR modeling
  • Heat diffusion
  • Nonuniform SAR
  • Radial transmission line (RTL)
  • Transverse electromagnetic (TEM)


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