Evaluating chief resident readiness for the teaching assistant role: The Teaching Evaluation assessment of the chief resident (TEACh-R) instrument

Katharine E. Caldwell, Annie Hess, Jessica Kramer, Paul E. Wise, Michael M. Awad, Mary E. Klingensmith

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

6 Scopus citations


Background: The American Board of Surgery has mandated chief residents complete 25 cases in the teaching assistant (TA) role. We developed a structured instrument, the Teaching Evaluation and Assessment of the Chief Resident (TEACh-R), to determine readiness and provide feedback for residents in this role. Methods: Senior (PGY3-5) residents were scored on technical and teaching performance by faculty observers using the TEACh-R instrument in the simulation lab. Residents were provided with their TEACh-R scores and surveyed on their experience. Results: Scores in technical (p < 0.01) and teaching (p < 0.01) domains increased with PGY. Higher technical, but not teaching, scores correlated with attending-rated readiness for operative independence (p 0.02). Autonomy mismatch was inversely correlated with teaching competence (p < 0.01). Residents reported satisfaction with TEACh-R feedback and desire for use of this instrument in operating room settings. Conclusion: Our TEACh-R instrument is an effective way to assess technical and teaching performance in the TA role.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1112-1119
Number of pages8
JournalAmerican journal of surgery
Issue number6
StatePublished - Dec 2021


  • Autonomy
  • Competency-based assessment
  • Operative evaluation
  • Surgical education


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