Erratum to “Are we armed with the right data? Pooled individual data review of biomarkers in people with severe upper limb impairment after stroke” (NeuroImage: Clinical (2017) 13 (310–319), (S2213158216301735), (10.1016/j.nicl.2016.09.015))

Kathryn S. Hayward, Julia Schmidt, Keith R. Lohse, Sue Peters, Julie Bernhardt, Natasha A. Lannin, Lara A. Boyd

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The publisher regrets to inform that: Table 3 incorrectly referenced Harris-Love et al., (#9) and Supplemental A multimodal component did not include the full bibliography list for all 40 included papers that were defined in the Results and Table 3 of the published manuscript. Below is corrected Table 3 and full reference list for all 40 included articles. Full reference list for all 40 included articles. 1. Barker, R.N., Brauer, S.G., Barry, B.K., Gill, T.J., Carson, R.G., 2012. Training-induced modifications of corticospinal reactivity in severely affected stroke survivors. Experimental Brain Research 221, 211-221.2. Bhasin, A., Padma Srivastava, M.V., Kumaran, S.S., Bhatia, R., Mohanty, S., 2012. Neural interface of mirror therapy in chronic stroke patients: a functional magnetic resonance imaging study. Neurology India 60, 570-576.3. Bradnam, L.V., Stinear, C.M., Barber, P.A., Byblow, W.D., 2012. Contralesional hemisphere control of the proximal paretic upper limb following stroke. Cerebral Cortex 22, 2662-2671.4. Buch, E.R., Modir Shanechi, A., Fourkas, A.D., Weber, C., Birbaumer, N., Cohen, L.G., 2012. Parietofrontal integrity determines neural modulation associated with grasping imagery after stroke. Brain 135, 596-614.5. Daly, J.J., Hrovat, K., Holcomb, J., Pundik, S., 2014. Brain control of functional reach in healthy adults and stroke survivors. Restor Neurol Neurosci 32, 559-573.6. Delvaux, V., Alagona, G., Gerard, P., De Pasqua, V., Pennisi, G., de Noordhout, A.M., 2003. Post-stroke reorganization of hand motor area: a 1-year prospective follow-up with focal transcranial magnetic stimulation. Clinical Neurophysiology 114, 1217-1225.7. Fang, Y., Daly, J.J., Hansley, J., Yao, W.X., Yang, Q., Sun, J., Hvorat, K., Pundik, S., Yue, G.H., 2015. Hemispheric activation during planning and execution phases in reaching post stroke: a consort study. Medicine 94, e307.8. 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Cortical activation changes underlying stimulation-induced behavioural gains in chronic stroke. Brain 135, 276-284.28. Sterr, A., Dean, P.J., Szameitat, A.J., Conforto, A.B., Shen, S., 2014. Corticospinal tract integrity and lesion volume play different roles in chronic hemiparesis and its improvement through motor practice. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 28, 335-343.29. Sterr, A., Shen, S., Szameitat, A.J., Herron, K.A., 2010. The role of corticospinal tract damage in chronic motor recovery and neurorehabilitation: A pilot study. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair 24, 413-419.30. Szameitat, A.J., Shen, S., Conforto, A., Sterr, A., 2012. Cortical activation during executed, imagined, observed, and passive wrist movements in healthy volunteers and stroke patients. NeuroImage 62, 266-280.31. Theilig, S., Podubecka, J., Bosl, K., Wiederer, R., Nowak, D.A., 2011. 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Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)53-55
Number of pages3
JournalNeuroImage: Clinical
StatePublished - 2017


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