Erratum: The ATG1/ATG13 Protein Kinase Complex Is Both a Regulator and a Target of Autophagic Recycling in Arabidopsis(The Plant Cell (2021) 33 (3743-3744) DOI: 10.1105/tpc.111.090993)

Anongpat Suttangkakul, Faqiang Li, Taijoon Chung, Richard D. Vierstra

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

1 Scopus citations


The original manuscript included inadvertant duplications and incorrect placement of control blots shown in Figures 8A and 9A. The original and corrected figures are shown below, with the duplicated and corrected panels boxed in red in the original and corrected figures, respectively. In Supplemental Figure 10, compression of the original file to reduce the file size may have rendered the faint background signal invisible in the YFP channel of roots expressing mCherry-ATG8a. A higher resolution version of the original Supplemental Figure 10 image is shown below, together with a copy that was gamma adjusted to show the underlying background signal. The results and conclusions of this work are unaffected by these corrections. In addition, Figures 7 and 10 appear to have duplicated images, but these figures are correct as presented in the original paper as described below. Figure 7 has a duplicated and rotated image corresponding to the 0 time point for +Suc/-N and -Suc/+N treatments probed with PBA1. For this experiment, a seedling culture grown in +Suc/+N conditions was split in two for the +Suc/-N and -Suc/+N treaments. A sample was taken a time 0 before the split and loaded at the center of a gel with time points for +Suc/-N running left to right and time points for -Suc/+N running right to left from the zero time point; therefore the zero time point is the same for both treatments, and the row corresponding to -Suc/+N was rotated to present the time points from left to right in the figure. For Figure 10A, the same blot was probed with two antibodies (with intervening stringent washes). As these anti-ATG1a and anti-YFP antibodies were supposed to recognize the same ATG1a-YFP protein, the blots should look identical. Note: The corrected figure and accompanying text were reviewed by members of The Plant Cell editorial board. The authors are responsible for providing a complete listing and accurate explanations for all known errors or instances of inappropriate data handling or image manipulation associated with the original publication.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3743-3744
Number of pages2
JournalPlant Cell
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2021


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