Erratum: Rare and de novo coding variants in chromodomain genes in Chiari I malformation (The American Journal of Human Genetics (2021) 108(1) (100–114), (S0002929720304377), (10.1016/j.ajhg.2020.12.001))

Brooke Sadler, Jackson Wilborn, Lilian Antunes, Timothy Kuensting, Andrew T. Hale, Stephen R. Gannon, Kevin McCall, Carlos Cruchaga, Matthew Harms, Norine Voisin, Alexandre Reymond, Gerarda Cappuccio, Nicola Brunetti-Pierri, Marco Tartaglia, Marcello Niceta, Chiara Leoni, Giuseppe Zampino, Allison Ashley-Koch, Aintzane Urbizu, Melanie E. GarrettKaren Soldano, Alfons Macaya, Donald Conrad, Jennifer Strahle, Matthew B. Dobbs, Tychele N. Turner, Chevis N. Shannon, Douglas Brockmeyer, David D. Limbrick, Christina A. Gurnett, Gabe Haller

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

5 Scopus citations


(The American Journal of Human Genetics 108, 100–114; January 7, 2021) Three variants were misnamed in the text and mislabeled in Figure 2. The relevant sentence has been changed to read, “The three de novo CHD8 mutations observed in CM1 include two stop-gain mutations (GenBank: NM_001170629.2; c.4414C>T [p.Arg1472] and c.4514G>A [p.Trp1505]) and a splice donor site mutation (c.2907+1G>T [p.?]).” These errors have been corrected online. The authors apologize for these errors.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)530-531
Number of pages2
JournalAmerican journal of human genetics
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 4 2021


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