Erratum: Metabolic and Innate Immune Cues Merge into a Specific Inflammatory Response via the UPR (Cell (2019) 177(5) (1201–1216.e19), (S0092867419302806), (10.1016/j.cell.2019.03.018))

Denis A. Mogilenko, Joel T. Haas, Laurent L'homme, Sébastien Fleury, Sandrine Quemener, Matthieu Levavasseur, Coralie Becquart, Julien Wartelle, Alexandra Bogomolova, Laurent Pineau, Olivier Molendi-Coste, Steve Lancel, Hélène Dehondt, Celine Gheeraert, Aurelie Melchior, Cédric Dewas, Artemii Nikitin, Samuel Pic, Nabil Rabhi, Jean Sébastien AnnicotteSeiichi Oyadomari, Talia Velasco-Hernandez, Jörg Cammenga, Marc Foretz, Benoit Viollet, Milica Vukovic, Arnaud Villacreces, Kamil Kranc, Peter Carmeliet, Guillemette Marot, Alexis Boulter, Simon Tavernier, Luciana Berod, Maria P. Longhi, Christophe Paget, Sophie Janssens, Delphine Staumont-Sallé, Ezra Aksoy, Bart Staels, David Dombrowicz

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

16 Scopus citations


(Cell 177, 1201–1216.e1–e19; May 16, 2019) In the originally published version of this article, a panel in Figure 5A was unintentionally duplicated. The image corresponding to beta-tubulin was mistakenly used for IRE1a as well. The corrected Figure 5A, including the proper data representing IRE1a levels, is shown here. This does not modify the conclusions of the work as described in the text, as IRE1a levels were not affected by treatment. The authors apologize for any confusion this error may have caused.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)263
Number of pages1
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jun 27 2019


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