Epidural methadone and morphine pharmacokinetics and clinical effects in healthy volunteers: A randomized, crossover-design trial

Alexander Hincker, Matthew Reschke, Yehuda Ginosar, Leonid Kagan, Evan D. Kharasch, Anna Siemiątkowska, Celine Park, Kristopher Bakos, Arbi Ben-Abdallah, Simon Haroutounian

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Aims: Epidural opioids can provide effective analgesia for acute postoperative pain. Due to its unique physicochemical properties and long systemic elimination half-life, epidural methadone may provide lasting analgesia with minimal adverse effects; however, human studies are lacking. The aim of the study was to test the hypothesis that epidural methadone would exhibit greater segmental analgesia (analgesia at the dermatome of injection vs. distant dermatomes) than epidural morphine. Methods: In a prospective, randomized, double-blinded, crossover study, thirteen healthy volunteers received a 4-mg epidural bolus of methadone or morphine at L3–L4 and underwent repeated assessment of dermatomal heat pain tolerance and pressure pain threshold at lumbar (L3) and trigeminal (V2) dermatomes, pupil diameter, respiratory parameters and venous opioid concentration for 24 h. The primary outcome was selective (lumbar vs. trigeminal) segmental analgesia for heat pain, as a marker of a spinal analgesic mechanism. Results: The degree of segmental analgesia to heat pain tolerance was not different between morphine and methadone (P =.09), although morphine (P =.0009) but not methadone (P =.81) produced significant analgesia to heat pain at the lumbar vs. trigeminal dermatome over 0–12 h. Morphine overall provided longer lasting analgesia to heat pain vs. methadone (24 vs. 2 h, respectively). Morphine elicited greater systemic effects, including miosis (P =.009) and opioid-related adverse effects (P =.002). Conclusions: These results suggest that, with equal epidural doses, both methadone and morphine produced analgesia and methadone did not produce greater segmental effects than morphine. Epidural methadone provided a more favourable adverse effect profile.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)2883-2896
Number of pages14
JournalBritish Journal of Clinical Pharmacology
Issue number11
StatePublished - Nov 2024


  • opioids
  • pain
  • pharmacodynamics
  • pharmacokinetics


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