Energy flux couples sulfur isotope fractionation to proteomic and metabolite profiles in Desulfovibrio vulgaris

William D. Leavitt, Jacob Waldbauer, Sofia S. Venceslau, Min Sub Sim, Lichun Zhang, Flavia Jaquelina Boidi, Sydney Plummer, Julia M. Diaz, Inês A.C. Pereira, Alexander S. Bradley

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Microbial sulfate reduction is central to the global carbon cycle and the redox evolution of Earth's surface. Tracking the activity of sulfate reducing microorganisms over space and time relies on a nuanced understanding of stable sulfur isotope fractionation in the context of the biochemical machinery of the metabolism. Here, we link the magnitude of stable sulfur isotopic fractionation to proteomic and metabolite profiles under different cellular energetic regimes. When energy availability is limited, cell-specific sulfate respiration rates and net sulfur isotope fractionation inversely covary. Beyond net S isotope fractionation values, we also quantified shifts in protein expression, abundances and isotopic composition of intracellular S metabolites, and lipid structures and lipid/water H isotope fractionation values. These coupled approaches reveal which protein abundances shift directly as a function of energy flux, those that vary minimally, and those that may vary independent of energy flux and likely do not contribute to shifts in S-isotope fractionation. By coupling the bulk S-isotope observations with quantitative proteomics, we provide novel constraints for metabolic isotope models. Together, these results lay the foundation for more predictive metabolic fractionation models, alongside interpretations of environmental sulfur and sulfate reducer lipid-H isotope data.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere12600
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 1 2024


  • chemostat
  • compound-specific hydrogen isotopes
  • microbial sulfate reduction
  • quantitative proteomics
  • stable sulfur isotopes


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