Endovascular repair of thoracic aortic lesions using infrarenal devices: Lessons learned and continued applications

Ravi K. Veeraswamy, Luis A. Sanchez, Brian G. Rubin, Marc R. Moon, John Curci, M. Wayne Flye, Patrick J. Geraghty, Juan Parodi, Gregorio A. Sicard

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

7 Scopus citations


The application of endovascular devices for the treatment of a variety of thoracic aortic lesions has flourished worldwide over the past decade. Until physicians become facile with recently approved thoracic devices and these devices are immediately available even in emergency situations, the use of endovascular abdominal components offers physicians more options in managing thoracic lesions. We evaluated the safety, efficacy, and outcomes of commercially available, infrarenal endovascular graft components for managing lesions of the thoracic aorta. Nineteen patients were treated outside of a clinical trial using commercially available endovascular devices. The indications for treatment included acute traumatic lesions (n = 7), symptomatic ulcers (n = 4), focal aneurysms or pseudoaneurysms (n = 7), and symptomatic type B dissection (n = 1). The endovascular components included Excluder Aortic Cuffs (n = 9), AneuRx Aortic Cuffs (n = 5), Zenith Aortic Cuffs (n = 2), Zenith Aortic Tube Grafts (n = 2), and graft combinations (n = 1). Seventeen patients (89%) underwent successful endovascular treatment of their thoracic lesion. One patient required elective surgical conversion, and a second patient had a dissection that was not completely sealed endovascularly. There was no periprocedural mortality, and the major complication rate was 16% (3/19). Two patients had asymptomatic troponin leaks, and one patient developed an iliac rupture at the device introduction site, hypotension, and paraplegia. At a mean follow-up of 12.3 months, all successfully treated patients continue to have complete exclusion of the treated lesion. Infrarenal endovascular graft components can be very useful in the treatment of selected patients with amenable thoracic lesions until thoracic devices are available in all necessary sizes, readily accessible to treating physicians, and cost-effective.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)330-337
Number of pages8
JournalAnnals of Vascular Surgery
Issue number3
StatePublished - May 2006


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