Endoluminal graft repair for abdominal aortic aneurysms in high-risk patients and octogenarians: Is it better than open repair?

Gregorio A. Sicard, Brian G. Rubin, Luis A. Sanchez, Christine A. Keller, M. Wayne Flye, Daniel Picus, David Hovsepian, Eric T. Choi, Patrick J. Geraghty, Robert W. Thompson

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97 Scopus citations


Objective: To analyze the short-term and midterm results of open and endoluminal repair of abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) in a large single-center series and specifically in octogenarians. Methods: Between January 1997 and October 2000, 470 consecutive patients underwent elective repair of AAA. Conventional open repair (COR) was performed in 210 patients and endoluminal graft (ELG) repair in 260 patients. Ninety of the patients were 80 years of age or older; of these, 38 underwent COR and 52 ELG repair. Results: Patient characteristics and risk factors were similar for both the entire series and the subgroup of patients 80 years or older. The overall complication rate was reduced by 70% or more in the ELG versus the COR groups. The postoperative death rate was similar for the COR and ELG groups in the entire series and lower (but not significantly) in the ELG 80 years or older subgroup versus the COR group. The 36-month rates of freedom from endoleaks, surgical conversion, and secondary intervention were 81%, 98.2%, and 88%, respectively. Conclusion: The short-term and midterm results of AAA repair by COR or ELG are similar. The death rate associated with this new technique is low and comparable, whereas the complication rate associated with COR in all patients and those 80 years or older in particular is greater and more serious than ELG repair. Long-term results will establish the role of ELG repair of AAA, especially in elderly and high-risk patients.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)427-437
Number of pages11
JournalAnnals of surgery
Issue number4
StatePublished - 2001


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