Empirical investigation of radiologists' priorities for PACS selection: An analytical hierarchy process approach

Vivek Joshi, Kyootai Lee, David Melson, Vamsi R. Narra

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

15 Scopus citations


Picture archiving and communication systems (PACS) are being widely adopted in radiology practice. The objective of this study was to find radiologists' perspective on the relative importance of the required features when selecting or developing a PACS. Important features for PACS were identified based on the literature and consultation/interviews with radiologists. These features were categorized and organized into a logical hierarchy consisting of the main dimensions and sub-dimensions. An online survey was conducted to obtain data from 58 radiologists about their relative preferences. Analytical hierarchy process methodology was used to determine the relative priority weights for different dimensions along with the consistency of responses. System continuity and functionality was found to be the most important dimension, followed by system performance and architecture, user interface for workflow management, user interface for image manipulation, and display quality. Among the sub-dimensions, the top two features were: security, backup, and downtime prevention; and voice recognition, transcription, and reporting. Structured reporting was also given very high priority. The results point to the dimensions that can be critical discriminators between different PACS and highlight the importance of faster integration of the emerging developments in radiology into PACS.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)700-708
Number of pages9
JournalJournal of Digital Imaging
Issue number4
StatePublished - Aug 2011


  • Backup
  • Display quality
  • Downtime prevention
  • Open systems proprietary systems
  • PACS
  • RIS
  • Recovery
  • Security
  • Structured reporting
  • System architecture and performance
  • System continuity
  • Transcription
  • User interface for image manipulation
  • User interface workflow management
  • Voice recognition
  • Worklist


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