Effect of Hybrid stage 1 procedure on ventricular function in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome

Daisuke Kobayashi, Girija Natarajan, Daniel R. Turner, Thomas J. Forbes, Ralph E. Delius, Henry L. Walters, Sanjeev Aggarwal

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4 Scopus citations


Objective The effect of Hybrid stage 1 palliation for hypoplastic left heart syndrome on right ventricular function is unknown. We sought to compare right ventricular function in normal neonates and those with hypoplastic left heart syndrome before Hybrid palliation and to assess the effect of Hybrid palliation on right ventricular function, using the right ventricular myocardial performance index and the ratio of systolic and diastolic durations. Methods We carried out a retrospective review of echocardiographic data on 23 infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome who underwent Hybrid palliation and 35 normal controls. Data were acquired before Hybrid and after Hybrid palliation - post 1, 0-4 days; post 2, 1 week; post 3, 2-3 weeks; post 4, 1-1.5 months following Hybrid palliation. Results Myocardial performance index and ratio of systolic and diastolic durations were higher in the pre-Hybrid hypoplastic left heart syndrome group (n=23) - 0.47±0.16 versus 0.25±0.07, p<0.001; 1.59±0.44 versus 1.09±0.14, p<0.0001 - compared with controls (n=35). There was no significant change in the myocardial performance index at any of the post-Hybrid time points. Ratio of systolic and diastolic durations increased significantly 2 weeks after Hybrid - post 3: 2.08±0.62 and post 4: 2.21±0.45 versus pre: 1.59±0.44, p=0.043 and 0.003. There were no significant differences in parameters between sub-groups of infants who died (n=10) and survivors (n=13). Conclusions Right ventricular myocardial performance index and ratio of systolic and diastolic durations were significantly higher in infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome before intervention compared with controls. The ratio of systolic and diastolic durations increased significantly 2 weeks after Hybrid palliation. Our data suggest that infants with hypoplastic left heart syndrome have right ventricular dysfunction before intervention, which worsens over 2 weeks after Hybrid palliation.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)867-875
Number of pages9
JournalCardiology in the young
Issue number5
StatePublished - Jun 1 2016


  • Hybrid stage 1 procedure
  • Hypoplastic left heart syndrome
  • myocardial performance index
  • ratio of systolic and diastolic durations
  • ventricular function


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