Economic impact of the beneficial effect of changing vascular anastomotic technique in hemodialysis access

Surendra Shenoy, Robert S. Woodward

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

10 Scopus citations


There is an urgent and compelling need to reduce the morbidity and expense of maintaining hemodialysis vascular access patency. We previously reported the beneficial effects of altering anastomotic technique on vascular access patency from a multicenter clinical trial. Interrupted anastomoses created with nonpenetrating clips showed significant improvement in primary, assisted primary, and secondary patencies of native vein fistulae (AVF) and synthetic arteriovenous grafts (AVG). In the current report, we provide an analysis of the economic impact of these procedures. The economic analysis is based on a subgroup of patients who underwent access procedures as outpatients during years 1998-1999 at a university-affiliated hospital that contributed 23% of procedures described in the multicenter clinical trial. Hospital charges and payments received were determined for fistula placement and for commonly performed surgical and endovascular procedures (thrombectomy and angioplasty) that maintain patency. Financial comparisons were based on the hospital's average accumulative charges and actual payments calculated on a daily basis. Cost curves were generated by using charge and payment data. Financial information was extrapolated to the entire study population to estimate the cost savings for the larger group. Both charge and payment calculations indicated financial benefit with the use of clips. When financial estimates were extrapolated to reflect the national volume, clip usage projected significant savings of $20 million for AW and $30.8 million for AVG for every 1,000 days of access patency. Replacing conventional sutures with clips can reduce the morbidity and cost associated with maintaining permanent hemodialysis vascular accesses. This beneficial effect may be due to the biologic advantages of interrupted, nonpenetrating vascular anastomoses.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)437-443
Number of pages7
JournalVascular and Endovascular Surgery
Issue number5
StatePublished - Sep 2005


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