Disease-free Survival and Local Recurrence for Laparoscopic Resection Compared With Open Resection of Stage II to III Rectal Cancer: Follow-up Results of the ACOSOG Z6051 Randomized Controlled Trial
James Fleshman, Megan E. Branda, Daniel J. Sargent, Anne Marie Boller, Virgilio V. George, Maher A. Abbas, Walter R. Peters, Dipen C. Maun, George J. Chang, Alan Herline, Alessandro Fichera, Matthew G. Mutch, Steven D. Wexner, Mark H. Whiteford, John Marks, Elisa Birnbaum, David A. Margolin, David W. Larson, Peter W. Marcello, Mitchell C. PosnerThomas E. Read, John R.T. Monson, Sherry M. Wren, Peter W.T. Pisters, Heidi Nelson
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