Diode laser-activated biological glue for sealing corneal lacerations

D. J. Bart, R. Lim-Bon-Siong, A. J. Lubniewski, R. S. Chuck

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Purpose. Eaton et al. (1991) have reported the successful application of a novel diode laser-activated biological glue to the sealing of 7-10 mm scleral tunnel incisions in freshly enucleated porcine globes. Here we demonstrate the efficacy of this glue in sealing controlled corneal lacerations in cadaveric porcine corneas, as a prelude to in vivo studies. Methods. 1.5 mm linear, nonradial paracentral full-thickness lacerations were created in 15 heterogeneous cadaveric porcine globes. Biological glue (stock mixture composed of 1 cc 25% human albumin (New York Blood Center, Inc.), 1 cc 1% hyaluronic acid (Healon™, Pharmacia), and 10 mg indocyanine green (Cardiogreen™ Becton Dickinson)) was then applied to each wound. The lacerations were then closed with 810 nm diode laser energy emanating from a slit lamp mounted instrument (Iris Medical) (500 mW, 500 microns, 500 ms, 4-40 shots). Wound bursting pressure was measured with a manometer consisting of a 500 cc bag of normal saline wrapped with a standard sphygmomanometer connected via infusion tubing and a 21-guage needle to the anterior chamber at the limbus. Bursting intraocular pressure was recorded as that point when the wound leaked. Results. 10 of 15 experimental wounds were successfully sealed to bursting pressures above 300 mmHg, the limit of the measurement apparatus. Additionally 4 wounds leaked at 90, 130, 150 and 290 mmHg, but still maintained anterior chamber integrity above 300 mmHg. One gross failure was noted. Control wounds burst at less than 20 mmHg. Conclusion. In a cadaveric porcire corneal laceration model, diode laser activated biological glue offers a viable alternative to standard wound closure. Further studies are planned to evaluate this modality in vivo.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)S569
JournalInvestigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science
Issue number3
StatePublished - Feb 15 1996


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