Demographic characteristics of pediatric continuous renal replacement therapy: A report of the prospective pediatric continuous renal replacement therapy registry

Jordan M. Symons, Annabelle N. Chua, Michael J.G. Somers, Michelle A. Baum, Timothy E. Bunchman, Mark R. Benfield, Patrick D. Brophy, Douglas Blowey, James D. Fortenberry, Deepa Chand, Francisco X. Flores, Richard Hackbarth, Steven R. Alexander, John Mahan, Kevin D. McBryde, Stuart L. Goldstein

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257 Scopus citations


Background: This article reports demographic characteristics and intensive care unit survival for 344 patients from the Prospective Pediatric Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy (ppCRRT) Registry, a voluntary multicenter observational network. Design, setting, participa nts, and measurements: Ages were newborn to 25 yr, 58% were male, and weights were 1.3 to 160 kg. Patients spent a median of 2 d in the intensive care unit before CRRT (range 0 to 135). At CRRT initiation, 48% received diuretics and 66% received vasoactive drugs. Mean blood flow was 97.9 ml/min (range 10 to 350 ml/min; median 100 ml/min); mean blood flow per body weight was 5 ml/min per kg (range 0.6 to 53.6 ml/min per kg; median 4.1 ml/min per kg). Days on CRRT were <1 to 83 (mean 9.1; median 6). A total of 56% of circuits had citrate anticoagulation, 37% had heparin, and 7% had no anticoagulation. Result s: Overall survival was 58%; survival differed across participating centers. Survival was lowest (51%) when CRRT was started for combined fluid overload and electrolyte imbalance. There was better survival in patients with principal diagnoses of drug intoxication (100%), renal disease (84%), tumor lysis syndrome (83%), and inborn errors of metabolism (73%); survival was lowest in liver disease/ transplant (31%), pulmonary disease/transplant (45%), and bone marrow transplant (45%). Overall survival was better for children who weighed >10 kg (63 versus 43%; P = 0.001) and for those who were older than 1 yr (62 versus 44%; P = 0.007). Conclusions: CRRT can be used successful ly for a wide range of critically ill children. Survival is best for those who have acute, specific abnormalilies and lack multiple organ involvement; sicker patients with selected diagnoses may have lower survival. Center differences might suggest opportunities to define best practices with future study.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)732-738
Number of pages7
JournalClinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology
Issue number4
StatePublished - Jul 2007


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