Cystic fibrosis foundation consensus statements for the care of cystic fibrosis lung transplant recipients

Pali Shah, Erin Lowery, Cecilia Chaparro, Gary Visner, Sarah E. Hempstead, James Abraham, Zubin Bhakta, Maggie Carroll, Lillian Christon, Lara Danziger-Isakov, Joshua M. Diamond, Erika Lease, Jessica Leonard, Marina Litvin, Ray Poole, Fanny Vlahos, Chelsey Werchan, Michelle A. Murray, Erin Tallarico, Albert FaroJoseph M. Pilewski, Ramsey R. Hachem

Research output: Contribution to journalEditorial

23 Scopus citations


Cystic fibrosis (CF) is the indication for transplantation in approximately 15% of recipients worldwide, and Cystic Fibrosis Lung Transplant Recipients (CFLTRs) have excellent long-term outcomes. Yet, CFLTRs have unique comorbidities that require specialized care. The objective of this document is to provide recommendations to CF and lung transplant clinicians for the management of perioperative and underlying comorbidities of CFLTRs and the impact of transplantation on these comorbidities. The Cystic Fibrosis Foundation (CFF) organized a multidisciplinary committee to develop CF Lung Transplant Clinical Care Recommendations. Three workgroups were formed to develop focused questions. Following a literature search, consensus recommendations were developed by the committee members based on literature review, committee experience and iterative revisions, and in response to public comment. The committee formulated 32 recommendation statements in the topics related to infectious disease, endocrine, gastroenterology, pharmacology, mental health and family planning. Broadly, the committee recommends close coordination of care between the lung transplant team, the cystic fibrosis care center, and specialists in other disciplines with experience in the care of CF and lung transplant recipients. These consensus statements will help lung transplant providers care for CFLTRs in order to improve post-transplant outcomes in this population.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)539-556
Number of pages18
JournalJournal of Heart and Lung Transplantation
Issue number7
StatePublished - Jul 2021


  • cystic fibrosis
  • infection
  • lung transplantation
  • mental health
  • rejection
  • shared care


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