Corrigendum: The Vacuolar Protein Sorting-38 Subunit of the Arabidopsis Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase Complex Plays Critical Roles in Autophagy, Endosome Sorting, and Gravitropism (Frontiers in Plant Science, (2018), 9, 10.3389/fpls.2018.00781)

Fen Liu, Weiming Hu, Richard D. Vierstra

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


The Vacuolar Protein Sorting-38 Subunit of the Arabidopsis Phosphatidylinositol-3-Kinase Complex Plays Critical Roles in Autophagy, Endosome Sorting, and Gravitropism by Liu, F., Hu, W., and Vierstra, R. D. (2018). Front. Plant Sci. 9:781. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00781 In the original article, there was a mistake in Panel C of Figure 2. Arabidopsis VPS38 Interacts with Other Subunits of Class-III PtdIns-3 Kinase Complex as published. BiFC fluorescence images for several control plasmids were inadvertently switched with others. The corrected Figure 2 appears below. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated. (Figure presented.).

Original languageEnglish
Article number261
JournalFrontiers in Plant Science
StatePublished - Feb 28 2020


  • Arabidopsis
  • autophagy
  • gravitropism
  • phosphatidylinositol 3-phosphate (PtdIn-3P)
  • polar auxin transport
  • pollen
  • vesicle trafficking


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