Corrigendum: Immunological Impact of a Gluten-Free Dairy-Free Diet in Children With Kidney Disease: A Feasibility Study (Front. Immunol., (2021), 12, (624821), 10.3389/fimmu.2021.624821)

María José Pérez-Sáez, Audrey Uffing, Juliette Leon, Naoka Murakami, Andreia Watanabe, Thiago J. Borges, Venkata S. Sabbisetti, Pamela Cureton, Victoria Kenyon, Leigh Keating, Karen Yee, Carla Aline Fernandes Satiro, Gloria Serena, Friedhelm Hildebrandt, Cristian V. Riella, Towia A. Libermann, Minxian Wang, Julio Pascual, Joseph V. Bonventre, Paolo CravediAlessio Fasano, Leonardo V. Riella

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate

1 Scopus citations


An author name was incorrectly spelled as “Cravedil”. The correct spelling is “Cravedi”. The authors apologize for this error and state that this does not change the scientific conclusions of the article in any way. The original article has been updated.

Original languageEnglish
Article number798560
JournalFrontiers in immunology
StatePublished - Nov 2 2021


  • dairy-free
  • diet
  • gluten-free
  • inflammation
  • steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome


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