Correction to: Accuracy of the tuberculosis point-of-care Alere determine lipoarabinomannan antigen diagnostic test using α-mannosidase treated and untreated urine in a cohort of people living with HIV in Guatemala (AIDS Research and Therapy, (2020), 17, 1, (62), 10.1186/s12981-020-00318-8)

Juan Ignacio García, Johanna Meléndez, Rosa Álvarez, Carlos Mejía-Chew, Holden V. Kelley, Sabeen Sidiki, Alejandra Castillo, Claudia Mazariegos, Cesar López-Téllez, Diana Forno, Nancy Ayala, Joan Miquel Balada-Llasat, Carlos Rodolfo Mejía-Villatoro, Shu Hua Wang, Jordi B. Torrelles, Janet Ikeda

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


In the original publication of this article [1], the authors were notified that there were some errors in Table 2 that were also present in the main text, specifically in the results section of the abstract, the overall sensitivity of the LAM-test of 56.1% with 95% CI of (43.3–68.3) shouldhave been 62.7 with 95% CI of (49.1–75); the LAM-testsensitivity in PLWH with < 200 CD4 T cells/μl of 62.2% (95% CI 46.5–76.2) should have been of 71.8% with 95% CI of (55.1–85), and the differences in sensitivity when comparing LAM-test results obtained from untreated vs. α-mannosidase treated urine had been deleted. The sentence “the two participating UAIs using the Fischer exact test” in the statistical analysis sub-heading should have been “the LAM tests using the McNemar exact test”.

Original languageEnglish
Article number48
JournalAIDS Research and Therapy
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2022


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