Correction: Calling Cards: A Customizable Platform to Longitudinally Record Protein-DNA Interactions Over Time in Cells and Tissues (Current Protocols, 10.1002/cpz1.883)

Allen Yen, Chase Mateusiak, Simona Sarafinovska, Mariam A. Gachechiladze, Juanru Guo, Xuhua Chen, Arnav Moudgil, Alexander J. Cammack, Jessica Hoisington-Lopez, Maria Lynn Crosby, Michael R. Brent, Robi D. Mitra, Joseph D. Dougherty

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debate


Current Protocols is issuing corrections for the following protocol article: Yen, A., Mateusiak, C., Sarafinovska, S., Gachechiladze, M. A., Guo, J., Chen, X., Moudgil, A., Cammack, A. J., Hoisington-Lopez, J., Crosby, M., Brent, M. R., Mitra, R. D., & Dougherty, J. D. (2023). Calling cards: A customizable platform to longitudinally record protein-DNA interactions over time in cells and tissues. Current Protocols, 3, e883. doi: 10.1002/cpz1.883. In the above-referenced article the following corrections have been made: p.3: Added “with permission from Elsevier” to the end of the last sentence of the Figure 1 legend. p. 5: Deleted abbreviation “SRT” from panel 2 of Figure 3. p. 21: Added the words “A total of…” to the beginning of the first sentence of the annotation to step 25. p. 22: Defined “SRT” as “self-replicating transposons” in the Figure 7 legend. p. 29: In step 6, changed “Double-Delta Ct Analysis” to “double-delta cycle threshold (CT) analysis”. p. 30: In header over step 1, changed “(timing: 3 hr)” to “(timing: 3.25 hr)”. p. 33: In step 26, changed “95°C” to “72°C”. p. 39: In Table 5, changed “T1” to “t1”. p. 49: Under “Multiomics data integration” header, 5th sentence (beginning “Additionally…”), added the word “respectively”. p. 50: Changed “Time Considerations” from tabular format to paragraph format (numbers are unchanged). A technical malfunction resulted in the proofs for this article being submitted prematurely, with the above author corrections omitted. The current version online now includes these corrections and may be considered the authoritative version of record.

Original languageEnglish
Article numbere928
JournalCurrent Protocols
Issue number10
StatePublished - Oct 2023


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