Coronary arteriographic findings in black patients and risk markers for coronary artery disease

Reginald L. Peniston, Lucile Adams-Campbell, John W. Fletcher, Eric C. Williams, Murigande Charles, Ernest Mensah, Micheal D. Crittenden, James A. Diggs

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11 Scopus citations


Coronary arteriographic results are reported in 1535 black patients: 751 men (mean age 57 ± 11) and 784 women (mean age 59 ± 11). Among the black men 19%, 15%, 21%, and 4% had single-, double-, and triple-vessel and left main disease, respectively. Among the black women there were 12%, 10%, 15%, and 3% with similar involvement. Logistic regression models showed that most of the recognized risk factors were positively correlated with significant (at least one artery with ≥50% stenosis) coronary disease, but a history of hypertension was not a significant independent predictor in either sex. ECG evidence of previous infarction increased the odds of detecting significant coronary disease by the greatest amount when controlling for other significant risk markers in women. In men both previous infarction and atypical pain (negative) were equally important. This study confirms but does not explain previous reports that have revealed less than expected angiographic evidence of significant coronary artery disease in black compared with white persons.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)552-559
Number of pages8
JournalAmerican heart journal
Issue number3
StatePublished - Mar 1994


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