Concurrent ependymal and ganglionic differentiation in a subset of supratentorial neuroepithelial tumors with EWSR1-PLAGL1 rearrangement

Julieann C. Lee, Selene C. Koo, Larissa V. Furtado, Alex Breuer, Mohammad K. Eldomery, Asim K. Bag, Pat Stow, Gary Rose, Trisha Larkin, Rick Sances, Bette K. Kleinschmidt-DeMasters, Jenna L. Bodmer, Nicholas Willard, Murat Gokden, Sonika Dahiya, Kaleigh Roberts, Kelsey C. Bertrand, Daniel C. Moreira, Giles W. Robinson, Jun Qin MoDavid W. Ellison, Brent A. Orr

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Neuroepithelial tumors with fusion of PLAGL1 or amplification of PLAGL1/PLAGL2 have recently been described often with ependymoma-like or embryonal histology respectively. To further evaluate emerging entities with PLAG-family genetic alterations, the histologic, molecular, clinical, and imaging features are described for 8 clinical cases encountered at St. Jude (EWSR1-PLAGL1 fusion n = 6; PLAGL1 amplification n = 1; PLAGL2 amplification n = 1). A histologic feature observed on initial resection in a subset (4/6) of supratentorial neuroepithelial tumors with EWSR1-PLAGL1 rearrangement was the presence of concurrent ependymal and ganglionic differentiation. This ranged from prominent clusters of ganglion cells within ependymoma/subependymoma-like areas, to interspersed ganglion cells of low to moderate frequency among otherwise ependymal-like histology, or focal areas with a ganglion cell component. When present, the combination of ependymal-like and ganglionic features within a supratentorial neuroepithelial tumor may raise consideration for an EWSR1-PLAGL1 fusion, and prompt initiation of appropriate molecular testing such as RNA sequencing and methylation profiling. One of the EWSR1-PLAGL1 fusion cases showed subclonal INI1 loss in a region containing small clusters of rhabdoid/embryonal cells, and developed a prominent ganglion cell component on recurrence. As such, EWSR1-PLAGL1 neuroepithelial tumors are a tumor type in which acquired inactivation of SMARCB1 and development of AT/RT features may occur and lead to clinical progression. In contrast, the PLAGL2 and PLAGL1 amplified cases showed either embryonal histology or contained an embryonal component with a significant degree of desmin staining, which could also serve to raise consideration for a PLAG entity when present. Continued compilation of associated clinical data and histopathologic findings will be critical for understanding emerging entities with PLAG-family genetic alterations.

Original languageEnglish
Article number143
JournalActa Neuropathologica Communications
Issue number1
StatePublished - Dec 2024


  • Ependymal-like
  • Ganglionic differentiation
  • Neuroepithelial tumor
  • PLAGL1
  • PLAGL2


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