Combined liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry for microscale structural studies of carbohydrates

Fong Fu Hsu, Charles G. Edmonds, James A. McCloskey

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13 Scopus citations


Combined HPLC-thermospray mass spectrometry of mono-and disaccharides, 1-0-methylglycosides and O-permethyl mono-through tetrasaccharides has been studied to assess the potential role ol thermospray ionization for microscale structural studies of saccharides and glycoconjugates, and for high sensitivity detection of liquid chromatographic effluents. Using NH4CO2H as eluant for reversed-phase HPLC, abundant MNH4+ions are formed from monosaccharides and mono-and per-methylated saccharides, and are suitable for monitoring sub-nanogram constituents in HPLC effluents. Detection of 100 pg (0.5 pmole) of 1-0-methylhexopyranosides with signal/noise >10 is demonstrated.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1259-1271
Number of pages13
JournalAnalytical Letters
Issue number11-12
StatePublished - Jan 1986


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