Clinical correlates of a high cardiorespiratory risk score for very low birth weight infants

Sherry L. Kausch, Claire C. Slevin, Amanda Duncan, Karen D. Fairchild, Douglas E. Lake, Jessica Keim-Malpass, Zachary A. Vesoulis, Brynne A. Sullivan

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

1 Scopus citations


Background: A pulse oximetry warning system (POWS) to analyze heart rate and oxygen saturation data and predict risk of sepsis was developed for very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Methods: We determined the clinical correlates and positive predictive value (PPV) of a high POWS score in VLBW infants. In a two-NICU retrospective study, we identified times when POWS increased above 6 (POWS spike). We selected an equal number of control times, matched for gestational and chronologic age. We reviewed records for infection and non-infection events around POWS spikes and control times. We calculated the frequencies and PPV of a POWS spike for infection or another significant event. Results: We reviewed 111 POWS spike times and 111 control times. Days near POWS spikes were more likely to have clinical events than control days (77% vs 50%). A POWS spike had 52% PPV for suspected or confirmed infection and 77% for any clinically significant event. Respiratory deterioration occurred near more POWS spike times than control times (34% vs 18%). Conclusions: In a retrospective cohort, infection and respiratory deterioration were common clinical correlations of a POWS spike. POWS had a high PPV for significant clinical events with or without infection. Impact: There are significant gaps in understanding the best approach to implementing continuous sepsis prediction models so that clinicians can best respond to early signals of deterioration. Infection and respiratory deterioration were common clinical events identified at the time of a high predictive model score. Understanding the clinical correlates of a high-risk early warning score will inform future implementation efforts.

Original languageEnglish
JournalPediatric research
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


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