Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia/ Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma, Version 3.2022 Featured Updates to the NCCN Guidelines

William G. Wierda, Jennifer Brown, Jeremy S. Abramson, Farrukh Awan, Syed F. Bilgrami, Greg Bociek, Danielle Brander, Asher A. Chanan-Khan, Steve E. Coutre, Randall S. Davis, Herbert Eradat, Christopher D. Fletcher, Sameh Gaballa, Armin Ghobadi, Muhammad Saad Hamid, Francisco Hernandez-Ilizaliturri, Brian Hill, Paul Kaesberg, Manali Kamdar, Lawrence D. KaplanNadia Khan, Thomas J. Kipps, Shuo Ma, Anthony Mato, Claudio Mosse, Stephen Schuster, Tanya Siddiqi, Deborah M. Stephens, Chaitra Ujjani, Nina Wagner-Johnston, Jennifer A. Woyach, J. Christine Ye, Mary A. Dwyer, Hema Sundar

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

53 Scopus citations


The treatment landscape of chronic lymphocytic leukemia/small lymphocytic lymphoma (CLL/SLL) has significantly evolved in recent years. Targeted therapy with Bruton’s tyrosine kinase (BTK) inhibitors and BCL-2 inhibitors has emerged as an effective chemotherapy-free option for patients with previously untreated or relapsed/refractory CLL/SLL. Undetectable minimal residual disease after the end of treatment is emerging as an important predictor of progression-free and overall survival for patients treated with fixed-duration BCL-2 inhibitor-based treatment. These NCCN Guidelines Insights discuss the updates to the NCCN Guidelines for CLL/ SLL specific to the use of chemotherapy-free treatment options for patients with treatment-naïve and relapsed/refractory disease.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)622-634
Number of pages13
JournalJNCCN Journal of the National Comprehensive Cancer Network
Issue number6
StatePublished - Jun 2022


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