Children of persons with Alzheimer disease: What does the future hold?

Lissy Jarvik, Asenath Larue, Deborah Blacker, Margaret Gatz, Claudia Kawas, John J. McArdle, John C. Morris, James A. Mortimer, John M. Ringman, Linda Ercoli, Nelson Freimer, Izabella Gokhman, Jennifer J. Manly, Brenda L. Plassman, Natalie Rasgon, Jeffrey Scott Roberts, Trey Sunderland, Gary E. Swan, Phillip A. Wolf, Alan B. Zonderman

Research output: Contribution to journalReview articlepeer-review

25 Scopus citations


Children of persons with Alzheimer disease (AD), as a group, face an increased risk of developing AD. Many of them, throughout their adult lives, seek input on how to reduce their chances of one day suffering their parent's fate. We examine the state of knowledge with respect to risk and protective factors for AD and recommend a research agenda with special emphasis on AD offspring.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)6-20
Number of pages15
JournalAlzheimer disease and associated disorders
Issue number1
StatePublished - Jan 2008


  • Alzheimer disease offspring
  • Risk factors


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