Characterization of N-Terminal processing of group VIA phospholipase A 2 and of potential cleavage sites of amyloid precursor protein constructs by automated identification of signature peptides in LC/MS/MS analyses of proteolytic digests

Haowei Song, Silva Hecimovic, Alison Goate, Fong Fu Hsu, Shunzhong Bao, Ilan Vidavsky, Sasanka Ramanadham, John Turk

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16 Scopus citations


Dysregulation of proteolytic processing of the amyloid precursor protein (APP) contributes to the pathogenesis of Alzheimer's Disease, and the Group VIA phospholipase A 2 (iPLA 2β) is the dominant PLA 2 enzyme in the central nervous system and is subject to regulatory proteolytic processing. We have identified novel N-terminal variants of iPLA 2β and previously unrecognized proteolysis sites in APP constructs with a C-terminal 6-myc tag by automated identification of signature peptides in LC/MS/MS analyses of proteolytic digests. We have developed a Signature-Discovery (SD) program to characterize protein isoforms by identifying signature peptides that arise from proteolytic processing in vivo. This program analyzes MS/MS data from LC analyses of proteolytic digests of protein mixtures that can include incompletely resolved components in biological samples. This reduces requirements for purification and thereby minimizes artifactual modifications during sample processing. A new algorithm to generate the theoretical signature peptide set and to calculate similarity scores between predicted and observed mass spectra has been tested and optimized with model proteins. The program has been applied to the identification of variants of proteins of biological interest, including APP cleavage products and iPLA 2β, and such applications demonstrate the utility of this approach.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1780-1793
Number of pages14
JournalJournal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry
Issue number12
StatePublished - Dec 2004


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