Building disease and target knowledge with Semantic MediaWiki

Lee Harland, Catherine Marshall, Ben Gardner, Meiping Chang, Rich Head, Philip Verdemato

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapterpeer-review


The efficient flow of both formal and tacit knowledge is critical in the new era of information-powered pharmaceutical discovery. Yet, one of the major inhibitors of this is the constant flux within the industry, driven by rapidly evolving business models, mergers and collaborations. A continued stream of new employees and external partners brings a need to not only manage the new information they generate, but to find and exploit existing company results and reports. The ability to synthesise this vast information 'substrate' into actionable intelligence is crucial to industry productivity. In parallel, the new 'digital biology' era provides yet more and more data to find, analyse and exploit. In this chapter we look at the contribution that Semantic MediaWiki (SMW) technology has made to meeting the information challenges faced by Pfizer. We describe two use-cases that highlight the flexibility of this software and the ultimate benefit to the user.

Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationOpen Source Software in Life Science Research
Subtitle of host publicationPractical Solutions to Common Challenges in the Pharmaceutical Industry and Beyond
PublisherElsevier Ltd
Number of pages30
ISBN (Print)9781907568978
StatePublished - Oct 2012


  • Collaboration
  • Disease maps
  • Drug target
  • Knowledge management
  • Semantic MediaWiki


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