8 Scopus citations


This article presents the experiences of three innovative programs for HIV/AIDS-related health care funded by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Special Projects of National Significance (SPNS) Program. The Comprehensive Healthcare projects were funded as part of a larger initiative for innovative HIV service delivery models, consisting of 27 grantees, the funding agency (HRSA), and an Evaluation and Dissemination Center. These projects - the University of Nevada School of Medicine's Early Nutrition Intervention in HIV and AIDS project, the University of Vermont and State Agricultural College's Rural HIV Service Delivery project, and Washington University School of Medicine's Helena Hatch Special Care Center for Women - have developed specialized medical care models within the context of a continuum of services in a medical clinic. This article serves to describe the initial experiences of these three service demonstration projects, and some of the lessons learned as a result of their implementation. All of these projects share the goal of providing integrated services, such as medical care, nutrition, case management, and social and mental health services to people living with HIV/AIDS. However, the projects target different populations, (e.g., those in rural areas versus those in a large inner city), and use contrasting service delivery models of comprehensive HIV care. These projects have undertaken diverse activities and have used numerous effective strategies to increase their ability to provide a continuum of care and services for people living with HIV/AIDS. Based on the valuable lessons that the Comprehensive Healthcare projects learned during the first 2 years of funding, a number of collective recommendations have been made. It is expected that these suggestions will prove extremely useful to other programs that consider offering comprehensive health-care services to people living with HIV/AIDS or other complex medical conditions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)379-393
Number of pages15
JournalAIDS patient care and STDs
Issue number5
StatePublished - 1998


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