
Sera from Brugia malayi-infected jirds were demonstrated to contain a heat-stable, 95- to 105-kDa parasite antigen by immunoblot with rabbit antibody to the parasite and with a monoclonal antibody that binds to phosphorylcholine. This antigen is a major component of B. malayi adult worm excretory/secretory antigen, and it is present in lavage fluid obtained from ip-infected animals. The antigen was detected by enzyme immunoassay in all sera collected from jirds 9-54 weeks after sc injection with 100 or 300 infective larvae (L3). Parasite antigen titers were higher in animals infected with the higher L3 dose. Antiphosphorylcholine antibodies were present in jird sera for the first 12 weeks after larval injection, but thereafter, antibody titers decreased to undetectable levels. Parasite antigen was not detected by immunoblot or enzyme immunoassay in sera from 21 human subjects with B. malayi microfilaremia. Antigen may be cleared from human sera by antiphosphorylcholine antibodies, which were present in all sera tested. The practical significance of B. malayi antigen detection in the jird is that it provides a sensitive means of noninvasively monitoring the status of infection in this important experimental filariasis model.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)54-62
Number of pages9
JournalExperimental Parasitology
Issue number1
StatePublished - Oct 1988


  • Antigen
  • Brugia malayi
  • Enzyme immunoassay
  • Filarioidea
  • Jird
  • Nematoda


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