
Biomolecular condensates form via processes that combine phase separation and reversible associations of multivalent macromolecules. Condensates can be two- or multiphase systems defined by coexisting dense and dilute phases. Here, we show that solution ions partition asymmetrically across coexisting phases defined by condensates formed by intrinsically disordered proteins or homopolymeric RNA molecules. Our findings were enabled by direct measurements of the activities of cations and anions within coexisting phases of protein and RNA condensates. Asymmetries in ion partitioning between coexisting phases vary with protein sequence, macromolecular composition, salt concentration, and ion type. The Donnan equilibrium set up by the asymmetrical partitioning of solution ions generates interphase electric potentials known as Donnan and Nernst potentials. Our measurements show that the interphase potentials of condensates are of the same order of magnitude as membrane potentials of membrane-bound organelles. Interphase potentials quantify the degree to which microenvironments of coexisting phases are different from one another. Importantly, and based on condensate-specific interphase electric potentials, we reason that condensates are akin to capacitors that store charge. Interphase potentials should lead to electric double layers at condensate interfaces, thereby explaining recent observations of condensate interfaces being electrochemically active.

Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of the American Chemical Society
StateAccepted/In press - 2024


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